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If you want to find your place on Earth, where must you look?

Who were the first ancient mapmakers?
What is the Chinese south-pointing carriage?
How did Christianity influence mapmaking?

Where Am I? is the fascinating story of how people began to chart the physical world and their place in it. Richly illustrated with meticulous drawings, it takes readers on a journey of their own. From Babylonia to Scandinavia, North America to China, Greece to Polynesia, ingenious methods and inventions will delight all those who marvel at the human spirit of adventure and ties to home.

Where Am I?

  • Texte : Robert Livesey

    Illustrations : A.G. Smith

  • Pour les jeunes lecteurs, de 8 à 12 ans

    Couverture souple

    9 en X 12 in

    89 pages | N&B

    ISBN 978-0-7737-6220-6

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